Contact us

For general enquiries, enquiries about volunteering or to contact the Chair of the Wildlife Group – Simon Day, please email:

or click on the blue box below.

To contact the Membership Team please email:

(or click on the blue box marked membership).

The Visitor Centre is open every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 10am – 4pm and you can often chat to members of the Wildlife Group here.

To find us take the A6025 Elland to Brighouse road, follow the brown tourist information signs and turn into the car park just off Cromwell Drive (having turned down the side of the Oils Wells blue signpost.  The car park is suitable for wheelchair users, prams etc and as is usual in public car parks, no liability is accepted by Cromwell Bottom Wildlife Group or Calderdale MBC for loss, damage by whatever reason.


gps N53.5.18    W001.50.272
