Bird Viewing Area
At Cromwell Bottom we are proud of our bird viewing area, which attracts lots of people keen to watch, and often photograph, many of the birds on the reserve. Volunteers maintain the food supplies all year round and in return we welcome Blue tits, Great tits, Coal tits, Nuthatches, Woodpeckers, Bullfinches and many other species of birds who can count on a good feed! The bird feeders are topped up with a variety of foods every Tuesday and Thursday, all made possible by your generous donations. Recently our volunteers have been busy updating this large, outdoor viewing area to extend and make it more accessible. It includes a platform for wheelchair users and prams. The steps down to the viewing area provide seating for bird watchers and photographers.
Below are some pictures of birds seen in the viewing area which we hope will give you a flavour of what’s on offer, even in winter! Please do visit and enjoy this newly extended facility and then why not pop into our Visitor Centre to report your sightings in our sightings book, then tell everyone what you have seen, whilst enjoying a cuppa!